# Props

    <!--  slot  -->
Name Type Default Description
*func string \ function - A defined function name, injected from vuex, or function<Promise>
type string auto ListTypejumppagesinceIdseenIds
query object - The parameters here will be passed to the API
uniqueKey string id Each item of the list has a unique key(value),Fill in the key name
autoload number -1 The number of pages automatically sent for the request, -1 for infinite scrolling
preload number 200 How many pixels from the bottom begins loading the next page of data
cacheTimeout number 0 You can set a number(seconds) value to cache data at client side LocalStorage
scrollX boolean false Horizontal list view set true

# uniqueKey

Support for nested key names,eg:

    "type": "xxx",
    "data": {
      "id": 1,
      "name": "test"
    "type": "xxx",
    "data": {
      "id": 2,
      "name": "test"

uniqueKey is data.id

# Events

Name Type Default Description
success function - Called at a client side, when request is resolved
error function - Called when a client side request is rejected

# success

Will only be invoked on the client side, if it's SSR it will be called in the mounted,params:

  "params": "<object> | Request params",
  "data": "<object> | API response",
  "refresh": "<boolean> | Whether or not to refresh"

# error


  "error": "API response error"